- محترم والدین! * آپ کو مطلع کیا جاتا ہے کہ ادارہ "عید الفطر" کے موقع پر 28مارچ،2025 تا 4 اپریل،2025 تک بند رہے گا۔ادارہ مورخہ5اپریل،2025 بروز ہفتہ دوبارہ کھلےگا۔ عید الفطر کے اس خاص دن پر اللہ آپ کو اور آپ کے اہل خانہ کو امن، اچھی صحت اور ڈھیروں خوشیاں عطا فرمائے آپ کو اور آپ کے اہل خانہ کو عید الفطر مبارک
- محترم والدین آپ کے بچوں کا وقت بہت قیمتی ہے بچوں کو چھٹی کروانے سے گریز کریں ۔ان کی صحت کا بھی خاص خیال رکھیں۔ تعاون کا شکریہ

Qurban Ali (Late)
The patron of this institution. Mr. Qurban Ali took upon himself a task of educating the poor and the needy in 1980 and since then he has been successful in his mission. Under his leadership and management this school has proved to be one of the best in Lahore. His firm belief that educating the girls leads to a better family life can be seen among the families who are benefited from the institution. He was a man of formidable accomplishments who sacrificed his life for others. He converted the institution into Qurban & Surraya Educational Trust in 1993 and gave up all his assets to the trust. Since then the schools and college has been running under the trust.
Sadly he passed away in 2018 but his mission and spirit lives on like his name ‘Qurban’ which means sacrifice. May Allah grant him the highest rank in heaven! Ameen!

Surraya Qurban School Patron
Mrs Surraya Qurban, wife of Qurban Ali has always worked and supported the mission that her husband started. She served as the administrator till 2002. Her services to the institution still continue as a mentor and a leader. She actively participates in the day to day running of the trust informally and her mentoring skills help a number of girls to find success in their endeavors. She is now playing the role of the Patron of the Trust since the demise of our founder and patron.
We believe in providing the best quality of education to all our pupils irrespective of their background and educating pupils to produce confident youngsters who are able to take up a variety of roles in our rapidly changing society and to have a self-esteem and a pride in their own culture and religion. We also aim to equip our youngsters with skills and universal values that will enable them to live in harmony and peace with the rest of the world.
OUR VISION Knowledge is power: To create a better life through life-long learning

Abaida Qurban
Abaida is the daughter of Mr. Qurban Ali who came to settle in Pakistan from England in 2002 and is working as the administrator of the trust since then. She is also a trustee of Qurban & Surraya Educational trust and her voluntary services are reaching beyond her institution. Her model of teacher training has led Punjab University IER department to send their teacher trainees to her institution for training since 2006. She has presented many papers nationally and internationally, most of them based on her research on women’s issues and education. She also represented Pakistan at the Geneva IBE conference in September 2004. The books that she has developed for teachers are a great source of inspiration for all and have been appreciated by the ministry of education Punjab. She moved back to UK in 2014 due to her father’s health but spends a lot of time teaching & training in Pakistan.
Abida Qurban's Message For Society.

Qurban Ali (Late)- The Founder and Patron
Qurban Ali the Founder and patron of Qurban & Surraya Educational Trust is being awarded Azm-e-Ali Shan AWARD 2011 for his contribution to the development of PAKISTAN.

Qurban and Surraya Educational Trust
We proudly Announce that Qurban and Surraya Educational Trust is Now The Regular Member of World Association of NGO’s (WANGO).