Mam Adeeba Dean
Principal of boys section
Qurban and Surraya Educational Trust has been a dynamic institution for education not only for girls but also for boys in this area. Its objective is to educate and train the youth of Pakistan on modern lines so that they could face the challenges of modern era. This esteemed institution is determined to impart training to girls as well as to boys in order to achieve this goal. Space was always a limitation in expanding our school system but keeping in view this firm resolution, a separate campus “Qurban Boys High School” was established for the boys in 1999.
The commencement of classes from third to tenth took place in this campus. The responsibility for this campus was entrusted to the Principal Mrs. Sadaf Naz and many other experienced and industrious teachers of this institution who undertook the responsibility to gain success with their day and night hard work and dedication. At initial level, this school continued to work in two shifts due to small size of the building. However, when The Patron Sir Qurban Ali witnessed devotion and hard work of the Principal, teachers and students, he decided to construct a new building. This campus was transformed into a new, beautiful building where all the essential facilities required for education and training of the students were provided. Boys Section has been participating actively for its curricular and co-curricular activities.
The boys’ school has always showed excellent Matriculation results and it has one of the best institutions for boys after gaining the confidence of residents of this area. This school was given under the supervision of Mrs. Adeeba in 2002 who believes in being very firm but fair with the youngsters of today. She also believes in keeping in touch with the modern world. She believes in shaping the future by shaping the students spiritual, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. She has maintained its awesome outset towards its ultimate destination until now. Its Annual results have always been admirable and excellent by the grace of Allah Almighty.
The students of this institution have always enlightened its name by participating enthusiastically in curricular and co-curricular activities through their sheer hard work, intelligence and performance. In fact, our goal is very clear “ Knowledge is power” and its purpose is to impart such education and training to the students which provide them with such religious, social and moral underpinning due to which they could become the responsible citizen to the society and prove themselves the best asset to country as well as for the nation in the later times. May Allah Almighty bestow upon us the same success for pursuing for this purpose!