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Extra Curricular activities

Student Council

Many Societies and Clubs have been introduced for students to develop their social, moral, ethical and personal senses. The principal of Playgroup and Nursery classes has introduced colour day, birds day  and fruit days to help children understand the basic concepts.  Qurban cricket tournament was held outdoors by the boy’s school in November 2024. Boys Section, Senior girls and College section enjoy their funfair in November2024.  English Medium section and PTB section enjoy their funfair in December 2024. PTbB Section enjoy magic show in January 2025.  Kashmir day, Iqbal day, Quaid day & Defence day was observed with great fervour and enthusiasm at all levels. 9th and 10th grade students enjoy their fairwell party in March 2024. Qurban Boys High School arranged an Educational Visit to LUMS for the students of 10th class. It was a great learning experience for the students. The management of LUMS  gave a detailed account of LUMS Scholarships along with the guide line of how to apply for admission in LUMS.

The student council which is chosen every year meets with the administrator on the 1st Monday of every month to discuss student-related problems and take a keen interest in giving suggestions for improvement of the institution. The pupils are encouraged to take part in decision making and policy making of the institution. The students are given the tasks of chairing the meeting, minuting it and circulating the minutes and agenda.Student Council Oath Taking Ceremony held on April, 2024.

Scouts and Girl Guides

Students have always been encouraged to join Scouts and girl guide groups to help them with discipline and leadership roles.  Girls Scout Anaya Ali of Qurban and Surraya Educational Trust Walton Lahore competes with scouts from all over Pakistan in the Best of the Best Scout competition at the National Scouts Headquarters Islamabad.  Girl guides activities took place within school premises and they held days like mother’s day seminar and annual plantation days. Qurban and Surraya Educational Trust Walton’s honor Inaiya Ali English Medium Section won the Presidential Gold Medal after full competition in Shaheen Scout Section across Punjab.

Nazaria Pakistan Society

With the collaboration of Nazaria Pakistan foundation a society was set up to make students aware of the sacrifices made by our great leaders for our country. Students regularly take part in the competitions held by the Nazaria Pakistan Foundation. Regular lectures are held by the foundation in our hall which have helped students to benefit.

Blood Camps

Students of college and staff are encouraged to donate blood regularly. With the help of Fatmid foundation, a blood camp is held every year to raise community service. The notion of saving lives was given before the blood camp is held. Blood camp was held in October 2024.

Voluntary/ Other Activities

Pupils & staff of the trust have started to take part in voluntary activities. Despite their backgrounds, the students are encouraged to share and give their resources, they are always reminded of giving and sharing.

A special prize distribution ceremony was organized by Toyato Jinnah Motor, the Dream Car Art Competition in which 3 students of our institution Qurban and Surya Educational Trust Asma Shahzad, Samrat Zahra and Tahlil Tariq won the position by showing excellent performance. The children were also given certificates, shields and cash prizes in recognition of their achievements