Activities For Staff
Teachers Training
Professional development activities are organized at various levels few and far between after Covid break throughout the year .
The ICT coordinator, Ms. Sajida Parveen not only takes initiatives regarding the teachers but is encouraged to motivate the senior management team to cope with the changing technologies. Upgrade school app and web site also. In touch with teachers how to engage students for studies.
Mam Zahida Qurban and Mam Farida Qurban– trainer from London visited the institution in October 2024 and 15-day workshops were held to help teachers improve their teaching skills. Mam Maria Qurban a trainer from London and she is group member of teachers and she guides them and appreciates their work. Topics covered were motivation in the classroom, modern teaching techniques, English vocabulary, ethics of teaching, how to build confidence in children, child psychology, phonics, story telling and learning through play.
In 2025 we held 15 days workshops for teachers to improve their knowledge topics were 5 Basic Steps Of Modern Schooling (By Dr Rashid) ,21st Century innovations in Teaching(By Mr Zamurd Khan), A big clap for my teachers (By Mis Sadia ), Study of Mind and Behaviour (By Mr.Muhammad Faisal), How to teach English (By Madam Adeeba Deen)
Feedback Staff Training
Altogether 300 teachers were trained in June 2024 and January 2025 taking part in different sessions. 300 teachers took part in the session. All teachers were very happy to learn more and more and know how they are important and play important role in student lives. Staff highly recommended to arrange workshops for them.
SMT Training
Senior management staff (Principals, deputies, and coordinators) are trained regularly at least 3 times a year. Full day sessions are held for the SMT and interactive methods are used to help them grow their leadership skills. Topics included Leadership is a lanuguage, tackling favoritism at work and teamwork. Mr Ahad young trainer from London introduce, benefits and use of different software and AI( Artifical Intelligence).
SMT Training Feedback
All 9 participants gave feedback about their sessions. Their learning was monitored by their presentations and question answer sessions. The Junior section Principal mentioned that their learning should be monitored throughout the year and the efficiencies learned and mistakes made should be discussed openly. All SMT members suggested having training sessions monthly so that sharing of experiences took place regularly and all are happy to learn something new with Mr Ahad.
SMT Informal Meetings and Visits
SMT informal meetings and visits held according to schedule.
Motivating Teachers
Awarding & Rewarding Teachers/ Seminar
5th of October- International teachers day is now celebrated regularly in our institution. The students vote for their favorite teacher and those teachers are given. At the end of every academic year (March) Principals recommend outstanding teachers who are awarded on an annual day. Teachers who earn an external award are appreciated in assembly the day after their award. This is our annual routine Award and reward to the teacher for good work and in short with this activity we warm up our teachers get ready for new challenges and goals and face them with enthusiasm. New teachers follow their seniors to get this award and show their best.
Women Day Seminar held on 8th March, 2024.
Annual Milad
Annual Milad is held for the staff members every year to celebrate the birth of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). The purpose is to highlight the true meaning of Islam and to understand and act upon the teachings of the Quran. Other than the regular Naat recitations, teachers are encouraged to talk about why we are falling behind as an Ummah and how Education can help us. The annual milad took place in September 2024 this year.
Annual Staff Sports Gala/ Annual Staff Trip/Movie
Annual Sports Gala Held on March 2024
Staff and other members enjoyed movie in DHA cenima in June 2024